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Writer's pictureDarrell Stetler II

Guide for Praying Verses in the Bible: Psalm 8

Updated: Jan 20

When you're learning to pray verses in the Bible, the best way is simply to practice it! This 21 day prayer journey will teach you to move away from grasping for the "right words" for prayer, and teach you to pray actual verses from the Bible, speaking back to God about the things he just talked to you about in the Scripture.

Why Should I pray the Psalms?

God's people have always found comfort and strength in the Psalms. From a Nazi prison cell at Tegel, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote the following to his parents in a letter: "For years I’ve read the Psalter daily; there is no other book I know and love so well as this one…Knowing them in this way belongs to the greatest enrichments of my life."

Let's take a few minutes today and let the Psalms enrich our prayer life!

The Meaning of Psalm 8

Psalm 8 presents a comparison between God's majestic splendor and our insignificance. But at the same time, God created us in His image and graciously crowned us with glory and honor. We have been entrusted with the responsibility of ruling over His creation. All of these thoughts should lead us, as the psalm both begins and ends, to declare in worship, “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth” (8:1,9)!

Select your version to read:

How to Pray Psalm 8

Follow this guide, taking the following steps:

Prayer for Illumination

Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of your Holy Spirit, that we may hear your word with joy. Amen. ~The Worship Sourcebook, p. 141

Praying the Verses of Psalm 8

Using the ACTS model of Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication, read through Psalm 8 and then pray the following:


Look for anything that tells you what God is like or points to His character and give Him praise.

  • “Father, I praise you that you are majestic and glorious” (8:1, 9).

  • “Father, I praise you that you are exalted above the heavens” (8:1).

  • “Father, I praise you that you are sovereign and strong” (8:2).

  • “Father, I praise you that you are our Sovereign Creator” (8:3).

  • “Father, I praise you that even though you are exalted, you are near and close to your children” (8:4-8)

For a video with quiet music for learning to pray verses in the Bible, try this:


As you acknowledge who God is and adore Him for all that He is, confession is a natural consequence. This is a moment of introspection as you ask God to search your heart for areas that displease Him.

  • Pray for the Lord to search your heart.

  • Confess ways in which God is not sovereign in your life.

  • Confess ways in which you have failed to trust God.


This is a time to express gratitude for what God has done and for who He is. Allow the Scripture you have read to feed your thanksgiving.

  • Thank God for His majestic name and how He chooses the weak to shame the strong.

  • Thank God for the beautiful world He has made.

  • Thank God for His attention on you as an object of His care and love.

  • Thank God for how He has exalted you through Jesus Christ to the praise of His glorious grace.


In this moment, pray for yourself and others that you will be able to put into practice what you have read and heard.

  • “Father, I pray that you would give me eyes to see the wonder and beauty of your creation.”

  • “Father, I pray that you would give me eyes to recognize your sovereignty over human history.”

  • “Father, because you have crowned me with glory and honor, help me to be a faithful witness today as I……” (situation).

  • “Father, I pray that you would be Sovereign over my……(need).”

Hymn of Reflection

O Lord, our God, how excellent, how glorious is your name. Your majesty surrounds the earth, and children sing your fame. The heavens shout your handiwork, we stand beneath in awe, to think the One who made all things should care for us at all. Yet you have made us less than gods, surpassing all but you; with heart and mind, with strength and will, to search for what is true. Into our hands you've placed all things: the earth, the sea, each place; we're called to probe for secret gifts and venture into space. O Lord, our God, how excellent, how glorious is your name, majestic in your holiness; we sing and praise Your fame!

Closing Prayer

O heavenly Father, who has filled the world with beauty: Open our eyes to behold your gracious hand in all your works; that, rejoicing in your whole creation, we may learn to serve you with gladness;

for the sake of Him through whom all things were made,

your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

~The Book of Common Prayer


Want to Continue Praying the Psalms?

Use this button to continue on to Day 7: Praying Psalm 13.

Are you a Pastor who wants to lead your new Christians to learn Spiritual disciplines?

You will want to check out this 21-day challenge, called "How to Pray the Psalms" from NewStart Discipleship Resources. To get the workbook and all videos, along with an unlimited printing license, visit NewStart Discipleship.

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