Hey there! Welcome to Day 6 of our New Testament Challenge. Today, we’re diving into Matthew chapters 16 through 18. These chapters are pivotal—they include Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Messiah, Jesus’ teaching on the cost of discipleship, and practical lessons on humility and forgiveness. Let’s explore!
Bible Links:
Read the ESV here. (This one has audio available.)
Read the KJV here. (Traditional version.)
Read the NIV here. (Easiest to read.)
Video Teaching and Explanation:
5 Minute Teaching Video:
"Study The Bible For Yourself" video:
Content Overview of Matthew 16-18:
In Matthew 16, we see a defining moment when Peter declares, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus affirms Peter’s insight, saying it was revealed by God, and He promises to build His church on this rock of truth. However, Jesus also predicts His suffering and death, challenging the disciples to embrace the reality of following a suffering Messiah.
Chapter 17 takes us to the Mount of Transfiguration, where Peter, James, and John witness Jesus’ divine glory. This event reinforces His identity as the Son of God. Later in the chapter, Jesus teaches about faith, using the example of a mustard seed’s power to move mountains.
In Chapter 18, Jesus shifts to practical teachings about relationships within His Kingdom. He calls His followers to childlike humility, warns about the seriousness of sin, and emphasizes forgiveness through the parable of the unmerciful servant.
Prayer and Meditation Questions for Matthew 16-18:
Matthew 16:13-20 – Peter Declares Jesus as the Messiah:
When Jesus asked, "Who do you say I am?" Peter boldly confessed Him as the Christ. How would you answer that question today?
Prayer Prompt: "Jesus, You are my Savior and Lord. Help me to live boldly for You, declaring Your truth in my words and actions."
Matthew 17:1-8 – The Transfiguration:
The disciples saw Jesus in His glory and heard God affirm Him as His Son. How can you listen to Jesus more closely and honor Him in your life?
Prayer Prompt: "Father, help me to see Jesus for who He truly is. Teach me to listen to His voice above all others and follow Him wholeheartedly."
Matthew 18:21-35 – The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant:
Jesus calls us to forgive others as we have been forgiven. Is there someone you need to forgive or a past hurt you need to release to God?
Prayer Prompt: "Lord, thank You for Your abundant forgiveness. Help me to forgive others as You have forgiven me, letting go of bitterness and extending grace."
Matthew 16-18 challenges us to take discipleship seriously while embracing the grace and humility Jesus modeled. Take some time to reflect on these chapters, especially Jesus’ call to deny yourself and follow Him. Tomorrow, we’ll explore Matthew chapters 19 through 21, where Jesus teaches about the Kingdom and enters Jerusalem as the Messiah. Keep pressing on—you’re doing great!
~ Darrell
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