Hey there!
Hey there! Welcome to Day 5 of our New Testament journey. Today, we’re diving into Matthew chapters 13 through 15. These chapters are filled with Jesus’ parables, miracles, and interactions that reveal what God’s Kingdom is like. There’s a lot to unpack, so let’s jump right in. Use your own Bible, or click the links below.
Bible Links:
Read the ESV here. (This one has audio available.)
Read the KJV here. (Traditional version.)
Read the NIV here. (Easiest to read.)
Video Teaching and Explanation:
5 Minute Teaching Video:
"Study The Bible For Yourself" video:
Content Overview of Matthew 13-15:
Matthew 13 is all about parables. Jesus uses simple, everyday stories to explain deep truths about God’s Kingdom. He talks about seeds, weeds, treasure, and fishing nets, showing how the Kingdom grows, faces opposition, and holds incredible value.
In Chapter 14, we see Jesus performing powerful miracles, like feeding over 5,000 people with just five loaves and two fish and walking on water. These miracles show His compassion and His divine authority.
Chapter 15 highlights Jesus’ confrontation with religious leaders over traditions that miss the heart of God’s commands. It also includes the remarkable story of a Canaanite woman whose faith leads Jesus to heal her daughter. Even in challenging interactions, we see Jesus’ mission extending beyond Israel.
Prayer and Meditation Questions for Matthew 13-15:
Matthew 13:1-23 – The Parable of the Sower:
Jesus describes how the Word is received differently depending on the condition of the heart. Which type of soil best describes your heart right now?
Prayer Prompt: "Lord, prepare my heart to be good soil for Your Word. Remove distractions, doubts, and fears so I can bear fruit for Your kingdom."
Matthew 14:22-33 – Jesus Walks on Water:
Peter walked on water until he looked at the waves instead of Jesus. Are there areas in your life where fear or doubt is distracting you from trusting Him?
Prayer Prompt: "Jesus, help me keep my eyes on You, especially when life feels overwhelming. Strengthen my faith to trust You in every step."
Matthew 15:21-28 – The Canaanite Woman’s Faith:
The persistence and faith of the Canaanite woman moved Jesus to heal her daughter. What areas of your life need persistent prayer and unwavering faith?
Prayer Prompt: "Father, increase my faith and persistence in prayer. Help me trust in Your goodness and timing as I seek Your help for [specific need]."
Extra Resources for Understanding Matthew 13-15:
That’s it! See you tomorrow!
~ Darrell
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