I recently sat down with John Parker. John served as a church planter in Alabama, pastor of the Easley Bible Methodist Church in Easley, SC, for years. He now serves as Conference President of the Alabama Regional Conference of the Bible Methodist Connection.
We discussed leading outreach, dealing with failure, managing emotional swings, what he would say to his 20-year-old self and much more.
I hope this interview is an encouragement to you.
If you have comments or questions, please share them with me! 405-974-0507 or on the MarcoPolo group for this coaching program. If you don’t have MarcoPolo (it’s a video messaging app that works well for group video questions, etc.), you can DOWNLOAD IT HERE. Once you download it, you can join the coaching group BY CLICKING HERE.
John shared a number of sermons with you guys, which you can find below the video.