Welcome to Moving from Me to We!
Hi there, and welcome to Moving from Me to We! Over the next 40 days, we will be going into a comprehensive study of the one-another commands in the bible, their themes and ideas, and how it applies to the theme of the Gospel.
1 Corinthians 16:20 (NIV)
All the brothers and sisters here send you greetings. Greet one another with a holy kiss.
1 Corinthians 16:20 (KJV)
All the brethren greet you. Greet ye one another with an holy kiss.
1 Corinthians 16:20 (ESV)
All the brothers send you greetings. Greet one another with a holy kiss.
Level 1 Deeper Connection Questions:
What was the highlight of your day?
What personal passion project are you working on?
Have anything exciting coming up in your life?
Have any fun plans coming up this weekend?
How’s [hobby, family, project]?
Level 2 Deeper Connection Questions:
What’s your biggest goal right now?
Are you learning anything right now?
What book, tv, or movie character is most like you?
What’s weighing on your heart or mind? And can I help you with anything?
What’s your story?
Level 3 Deeper Connection Questions:
How do you feel most misunderstood?
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
What forces shaped your personality and made you who you are?
Who’s your hero?
What’s the proudest moment of your life?
Challenge of the Day:
Check out the list of “high connection” questions at the bottom of the page online. Pick 2-3 that you will use this week to spark deeper conversations than just “How are you?”