Prayer for Illumination
Almighty God, as I approach your Word, I come in expectation that the Spirit of God will take the written pages of Scripture, the voice of mere man, and speak in my life in such a way to change me. This is my humble cry and earnest plea. Amen.
Scripture: Psalm 30
It may be painful for the Lord to discipline and prune us, but it is a necessary and beneficial process. This was the experience of David, the author of this Psalm. Due to David's pride and self-sufficiency, God lovingly disciplined him until he cried out for mercy and was forgiven and restored.
Using the ACTS model of Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication, read through Psalm 30 and then pray the following:
Look for anything that tells you what God is like or points to His character and give Him praise.
“Father, I extol and exalt you, for you are my Lord” (30:1, 12).
“Father, I praise you that you are my deliverer, healer, and helper” (30:1-3).
“Father, I praise you that you always hear the cries of your children” (30:1, 8, 10).
“Father, I praise you that your name is holy” (30:4).
“Father, I praise you that you are patient and longsuffering towards me and that you anger only lasts a moment, but your divine favor and goodwill towards me will last forever” (30:5, 7).
“Father, I praise you that you are merciful and that you are my helper” (30:10).
This video with quiet music will help you in praying Psalm 30:
As you acknowledge who God is and adore Him for all that He is, confession is a natural consequence. This is a moment of introspection as you ask God to search your heart for areas that displease Him.
In Ps. 30:6, David trusts in his own self-sufficiency and prosperity. Ask God to search your heart and if He leads you, confess to the Lord those times you have trusted in your own self-sufficiency and prosperity.
This is a time to express gratitude for what God has done and for who He is. Allow the Scripture you have read to feed your thanksgiving.
Ps. 30:1 says that God has “drawn me up.” The NLT says that He has “rescued me.” Thank God that He has rescued you from your sin and self-sufficiency.
Thank God for the times He has heard your cry for mercy and help and brought healing and restoration to you (Ps. 30:2-3).
Ps. 30:4 says to “sing praises to the LORD…and give thanks to His holy name.” Find a hymn, spiritual song, or use the one provided in this prayer guide and personalize it into a prayer of thanksgiving.
Ps. 30:11 says that God turns our “mourning into dancing” and that He has “clothed me with gladness.” Thank the Lord for those moments when He has transformed your weeping into joy (Ps. 30:5).
In this moment, pray for yourself and others that you will be able to put into practice what you have read and heard.
“Father, I confess my heart is broken today over……, I ask that you would restore my joy.”
“Father, I pray for your healing grace in the life of __________(name).”
“Father, by your favor make me strong as I deal with……”
“Father, do not allow the enemy of_________ to have victory of me.”
“Father, I pray that you would transform my sorrow into joy.”
Hymn of Reflection
I will exalt You, Lord, my God, for You have lifted me out of the depths and did not let my foes gloat over me. O Lord my God, I cried to You for help, and healing came; You brought me up from grave and pit, and spared me from great shame.
Sing to the Lord, you saints of His, and praise His holy Name; His anger lasts a moment, but His favor will remain. For weeping may remain all night, and heavy sorrow borne; But with the dawn returns the light; rejoicing comes with morn.
When I felt safe, I boldly said, “I’ll never shaken be!” O Lord, You made my hill stand firm, when You showed grace to me. But when You hid Your face from me, I surely was dismayed. To You I called, Lord – to the Lord my cry for mercy made:
“What gain is there if I’m destroyed and go down to the pit? Will dust praise You? Will faithfulness of God be told by it? Hear me, O Lord, and be my help! Be merciful to me! O Lord my God, I cry to You—my helper please now be!”
You turned my mourning into dance; my feet with dance employed. My sackcloth You removed and then You clothed me with great joy, That my heart may sing praise to You, and never silent be. O Lord my God, I’ll give You thanks and praise eternally!
(This hymn text found here.)
Closing Prayer
Almighty God, enable me to love you more fervently, to serve you more sincerely, to be more devoted to you, and to be wholly yours and yours alone. For the sake of your Son, Jesus, I ask these favors. Amen.
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Prayer Guide written by Rev. Travis Johnson.
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