Leading change in a local church is a tough task. Just about any pastor has one of these stories:
a needed change that crashed and burned after it was presented to a church board…
a “church boss” who couldn’t bear to see their pet program canned…
a brilliant plan plan shot down by failure to process it properly with key leaders…
An indisputable fact: Change COSTS. Financially. Spiritually. Emotionally. Chronologically.
So how can we help ourselves know which changes to take on, and help people process them?
Here’s a helpful chart shared with me by my “brother in the Gospel” Darrell Underwood (MS, USAF, Ret.), who pastors a church plant in Clovis, NM called Servant’s Heart Chapel. From his years of work in Process Improvement for the Air Force.
A Word from Our Sponsor:

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Are you burned out as a pastor? Need someone to help lift the preaching load for a time? Do you need a sabbatical, but not sure how you will fill the pulpit?
Are you on a pastoral search committee, but you’re struggling to find a good candidate, and make sure someone is able to preach every weekend? Did your pastor retire, and you’re looking for a new one… but you have to bridge the gap until you can hire a new pastor?
You need to check out SermonSubscribe (www.sermonsubscribe.com). Each week, I preach live in Oklahoma City, edit the High-definition video, and send it to churches across the United States. By the middle of the week, those churches have a quality Biblical sermon to download, handouts to print out & copy… and all of this for far less than it costs to bring in a special speaker or interim pastor.
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