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Writer's pictureDarrell Stetler II

Why Evangelism Matters: Definition and Benefits

Updated: May 5, 2023

Evangelism is a term that is often used in religious contexts, but what does it actually mean? In simple terms, evangelism refers to the act of sharing one's faith with others and encouraging them to embrace it as well. In this post, we'll explore the definition of evangelism and discuss the benefits it can have for your personal and spiritual growth.

What is evangelism?

Evangelism is the act of sharing one's faith with others and encouraging them to embrace it as well. This can take many forms, from simply talking about your beliefs with friends and family to actively seeking out opportunities to share your faith with strangers. The goal of evangelism is to spread the message of your faith and help others find a peace with God through Jesus Christ. While evangelism is often associated with Christianity, it can be found in many different religions and spiritual practices.

The benefits of evangelism in spiritual growth.

Evangelism can have many benefits for your personal and spiritual growth. By sharing your faith with others, you are forced to articulate your beliefs and gain a deeper understanding of them. This can lead to a stronger connection with your faith and a greater sense of purpose. Additionally, evangelism can help you develop important skills like communication, empathy, and active listening. Finally, evangelism can be a way to build community and connect with others who share your beliefs, which can be a powerful source of support and encouragement.

How evangelism can impact your community.

Evangelism can have a significant impact on your community. By sharing your faith with others, you have the opportunity to spread positivity and hope. This can be especially important in times of crisis or uncertainty, when people may be searching for meaning and purpose. Additionally, evangelism can help build bridges between different groups of people and promote understanding and acceptance. By reaching out to those who may be different from you, you can help break down barriers and bridge chasms between groups by bringing them together through the Gospel.

This is one of the most powerful videos on evangelism I've ever seen, from an atheist magician and performer, Penn Jillette:

Tips for effective evangelism

Effective evangelism requires a combination of authenticity, empathy, and respect. Here are some tips to help you share your faith in a way that is meaningful and impactful:

1. Listen actively: Take the time to really listen to the person you are speaking with. Ask questions and show genuine interest in their thoughts and feelings, not just in getting through the "material" that you came prepared with.

2. Share your story: Personal stories can be powerful tools for evangelism. Share how your faith has impacted your life and why it is important to you. Multiple times in the book of Acts, Paul shared his testimony when he was before unbelievers.

3. Be respectful: Remember that everyone has their own beliefs and values. Be respectful of others’ perspectives and avoid judgment or criticism.

4. Use language that is accessible: Avoid using religious jargon or language that may be unfamiliar to the person you are speaking with. Use language that is clear and easy to understand.

5. Follow up: Building relationships takes time. Follow up with the person you spoke with and continue to show interest and support.

6. Invite to Key Events. A built relationship can be powerful connection to days like your baptism. Prepare and learn how to share your baptism testimony, then invite a friend to come be a part of that day.

The Bible's Call to Evangelism

Because of the Gospel, Paul says in Romans 1:14-18:

1. I am a debtor.

14 I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish.

The words “under obligation” mean “I owe” - he’s a debtor.

Why is Paul saying he's a debtor to people he's never met, and obviously never borrowed money from?

There are two ways to be a debtor. One is that you’ve borrowed from someone. The other is to have been given something to give to someone – you didn’t take it from them, but you do owe it to them.

This is the one Paul is talking about!

2. I am eager to preach the Gospel.

15 So I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome.

The word "prothumos" in Greek, literally means “Breathing heavily ahead of time." He’s like a bull pawing the ground. BRING IT ON, he says.

Paul wanted to go to Rome. Eventually, Paul did. In chains. But he went, and the Roman Government paid for it… Evangelism may not always be easy, and It’s not always what you thought it was going to be.

But he was ready, EAGER. And we are called to the same.

3. I am not ashamed.

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”

What is the Gospel that we are doing evangelism for?

There is 1 God in 3 persons. He has created everything there is, and made us with dignity, worth, and purpose. But our first parents, Adam and Eve, chose to disbelieve God, and substitute their own way for his, and disobeyed him – and sinned. By doing this, they agreed with and fell under the bondage of Satan, the archenemy of God. Since that time, we are all born slaves to sin, and we substitute other things in place of God, giving our praise, love, and obedience to them instead of Him.

God Promised he would send a Savior into the world, defeating Satan and sin, and restoring all things.

God kept that promise, sending the God-man, Jesus, his only Son into the world on a rescue mission, proclaiming that He was rightful King of this World. Adam and Eve substituted themselves in place of God, and on the Cross, Jesus reversed it, substituting God in place of Man. Jesus fully took the anger of God toward sin, paying our debt in full and defeated all the dark powers of evil on the Cross. Jesus’ dead body was placed in a tomb.

On the 3rd day, a Sunday, Jesus rose from the dead, demonstrating once and for all that he had not failed in his mission to liberate us, demonstrating that he was the Son of God, rightful King. He has inaugurated a new Creation, and his Body is the first thing re-created. He has promised that he has the power to raise up all those who believe in Him.

He ascended to heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God, ruling and reigning over all people, and all cultures, and all income levels, and all nations, as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be with us, sanctifying us into his likeness, and emboldening us for faithful service and witness, until the day He returns himself, and restores all creation.

He commands all men & women to repent of all sin and rebellion and come to him to be healed. all those who will not, will be cast into outer darkness, apart from God in hell. All those who will hear and believe in Him will live eternally with him in the New Heavens and new earth.

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