Mentorship is one of the most powerful ways to impact a person’s life.
The Bible is filled with stories of life-changing mentorships that not only shaped individuals but also advanced God’s Kingdom in remarkable ways. These examples remind us of the importance of investing in others and the transformative power of mentoring relationships.

Let's take a look at some of them:
1. Jesus and the Disciples
We've got to start here, right?
Perhaps the ultimate example of mentorship, Jesus spent three years pouring into a small group of disciples. He taught them, modeled a life of obedience, and challenged them to carry His mission forward.
Jesus’ mentorship was deeply relational. He walked with His disciples daily, sharing life and truth in real-time. He corrected them when needed (Mark 8:33), encouraged their faith (Matthew 14:27-31), and equipped them for their future ministry (Matthew 28:19-20). To learn more, you can check out this post about the differences between mentorship and discipleship.
Lesson for Us: Mentorship is about more than knowledge transfer—it’s about relationship and modeling Christlike living.
2. Paul and Timothy
The Apostle Paul’s relationship with Timothy is a textbook example of mentoring. Paul referred to Timothy as his “son in the faith” (1 Timothy 1:2) and invested heavily in his spiritual growth and ministry preparation.
Paul mentored Timothy through:
Personal encouragement (“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young…” 1 Timothy 4:12).
Sound teaching (2 Timothy 3:14-17).
Leadership guidance (1 Timothy 3:1-13).
Paul also prepared Timothy to carry the torch of leadership when he was gone, emphasizing the importance of passing on what he had learned to others (2 Timothy 2:2).
Lesson for Us: Effective mentorship involves teaching, encouragement, and preparing mentees to become leaders themselves.
3. Elijah and Elisha
Elijah’s mentorship of Elisha is a powerful Old Testament example of how mentors can prepare others for significant callings. Elijah called Elisha to follow him, and Elisha left everything to learn from his mentor (1 Kings 19:19-21).
For years, Elisha served Elijah faithfully, watching and learning. When the time came for Elijah to be taken to heaven, Elisha boldly asked for a double portion of his mentor’s spirit (2 Kings 2:9). After Elijah’s departure, Elisha stepped into his mentor’s role and performed even greater miracles. (In fact, twice as many!)
Lesson for Us: Mentorship requires faithfulness and preparation, and great mentors inspire their mentees to aim higher.
4. Moses and Joshua
Moses mentored Joshua, preparing him to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. Over many years, Joshua served as Moses’ assistant, learning leadership by observing Moses’ faith and decision-making.
Before his death, Moses entrusted Joshua with the responsibility of leading God’s people, giving him words of encouragement and reminding him to rely on God’s strength (Deuteronomy 31:7-8). Joshua’s successful leadership—conquering the Promised Land and uniting the people—was the fruit of Moses’ investment.
Lesson for Us: Mentorship often involves equipping others to succeed in tasks we’ll never complete ourselves.
5. Naomi and Ruth
The story of Naomi and Ruth illustrates how mentorship can happen even in the most unexpected relationships. Naomi, an older widow, became a mentor to her daughter-in-law Ruth, guiding her through difficult times and teaching her how to navigate life in a foreign land.
Through Naomi’s advice, Ruth made choices that led to her becoming part of God’s redemptive plan (Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17). Ruth’s faithfulness and Naomi’s guidance ultimately placed Ruth in the lineage of Jesus (Matthew 1:5).
Lesson for Us: Mentorship can flourish in unlikely relationships and has the potential to influence generations.
6. Jethro and Moses
Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, offered Moses one of the most practical and life-changing pieces of mentorship advice in the Bible. Seeing Moses overwhelmed by the demands of leading Israel, Jethro advised him to delegate responsibilities (Exodus 18:13-23).
This advice not only improved Moses’ effectiveness but also strengthened the community by empowering others to lead.
Lesson for Us: Mentors can bring clarity and wisdom in times of overwhelm, offering practical solutions that create lasting impact.
The Impact of Mentorship
These stories highlight the profound influence a mentor can have on the life of a disciple. From spiritual growth to leadership development and generational impact, mentorship is a vital part of discipleship.
Other Mentoring Posts & Resources
For tools to help you mentor effectively, check out:
If you’re looking to grow as a mentor or help others mentor effectively, tools like the NewStart Discipleship Mentoring Guide (download it below!) can provide the structure and guidance you need. By investing in others as these biblical mentors did, you can play a part in advancing God’s Kingdom and shaping lives for eternity.