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Why You Need a Discipleship Coach

Writer's picture: Darrell Stetler IIDarrell Stetler II

Updated: Jul 17, 2024

What if I could show you the exact steps to get 3 new disciples from your church or community? What would that be worth?

What if I could also tell you how to get your church board to go along with you on a discipleship strategy? (Imagine that!) Would that be worth $100?

OK, one more... what if I could teach you how to use your worship service so that it promoted real, deep discipleship, not just a scattered set of priorities? Would that make $100 worth of disciples over the next year?

These are the kinds of things I talk about with pastors regularly in Discipleship Coaching. Let's talk about:

why you need a discipleship coach title graphic

How to know if discipleship coaching is right for you

I recently took a survey of small church pastors. Here's what they told me about their top frustrations on new believer discipleship. I'll include some screenshots of their emails.

#1: “I don't really have a discipleship plan."

the need for a clear discipleship plan

I get this. After 12 years of pastoring a church, I realized that I was spending a lot of mental energy INVENTING! I was creating something new every time, instead of working off a framework that could help me give expected, good guidance to someone just starting off.

This pastor needs good guidance for discipleship... i.e. discipleship coaching.

#2: “I don't have good discipleship tools right now."

email screenshot

But he’s correct — some tools are basically, “Welcome to the Family of God! Here, have this large textbook.” I don't know about you, but my new Christians get overwhelmed easily if you can’t give them something they can chew — something BITE-SIZED for them. But how to find or create a clear plan, and have it up and running fast? Discipleship coaching helps pastors cut through the clutter to find which actions will have the most solid results -- fast.

#3: “I feel like most discipleship plans take too much customization.”

email screenshot

One pastor had some great content — over 400 pages!! — but it was obvious that he and others had done a ton of work on it, to make it more workable for his particular theological framework.

#4: “I’m so busy doing the work, I don’t have time to build a good system.“

new christian discipleship

Hey, I've been there. People work is messy and busy. Real, quality ministry in your local context can be very high-demand. Many pastors can get so busy working IN our church that we have no time to work ON our church. It's like being so busy that you can't stop to change the spark plugs and the air filter in your car.

These are the kinds of things that are important, even if they're not urgent and shouting at us.

#5: “I know lack of a clear discipleship plan is costing us!”

discipleship plan

Man, I really feel this. Let's put the pieces together for a summary:

Pastors who need discipleship coaching struggle with these things:

  • Are you a pastor who wants to do better with your discipleship strategy?

  • Are you tired of wasting a ton of time just reading random blog posts?

  • Do you need a fresh set of eyes on your discipleship pathway?

  • Do you need practical action steps instead of just theories?

Sure, you could go to “Google Seminary,” and spend all afternoon reading blog posts that Google thought were important… or you could take a more intentional path to effective discipleship ministry in your local church.

Let me encourage you to consider discipleship coaching.

Does Discipleship Coaching Matter for Pastors of Smaller Churches?

If you’re like me, you look around and feel just sick at heart about the state of the American church. You instinctively know we’re in a crisis of discipleship. In a recent survey by the Barna Group:

  • Only 1% of US pastors say their church is doing “very well” at discipling new and young believers.” 99 out of 100 pastors recognize we’ve got a problem.

  • But get this: Only 8% of US pastors say THEIR church is doing “very well at discipling new and young believers.”

Most pastors feel that they're not getting it done.

We have “un-discipled” our way into the mess we’re in… and the only way we're getting back out of it is if some smaller church pastors like you and like me decide “we’re going to disciple our way back out.”

You can’t sit around waiting for megachurches to solve the discipleship crisis – and you can’t sit around blaming them for it, either.

Let me give you a shocking statistic: If every megachurch in the United States added 1,000 new disciples, it would be 1.8 million new Christians.

But if every smaller church in America added just 10 new disciples, it would be 3.8 million new Christians.

Statistically, the small church is the backbone of America! But a lot of smaller church pastors will admit, they have no clear discipleship plan. If that’s where you’ve been, I’m guessing you’d like that to change.

The truth is, reading a blog post like this one is not going to be sufficient to make the change. You're going to need

  • Personal attention

  • Practical action steps

  • Focused thinking

  • Intentional planning

  • Systematic implementation

My Story

I’m Darrell Stetler II and I’m pastor of a smaller church in South Oklahoma City.

After pastoring for over 12 years, I realized I had no clear pathway for multiplying disciples, and I decided to design a simple pathway that ANYONE could follow. I designed a discipleship strategy that smaller churches could actually DO... clear steps to effectively disciple new believers.

Several years later, I decided to teach other pastors what I had learned.

I designed two different discipleship coaching programs specifically designed for small church pastors like me:

Two Options for Discipleship Coaching

I call these two packages "Getting Started With Discipleship Coaching" and the "NewStart Discipleship Coaching Package." Let me walk you through the details so you can see which one would be right for you:

Getting Started with Discipleship Coaching

This self-directed style coaching focuses on a video course, workbook, online self-assessment, and 1 coaching zoom call.

What's Covered in this Coaching?

Getting Started With Discipleship covers the following modules:

  • Module 1: Developing a Disciple-Making Mindset

We focus on clarifying your mission and having a disciple making mindset, the mental shifts you need to make to make that happen.

  • Module 2:​ What Is A Disciple? Getting Clear on What You’re Trying to Produce

If you’re not sure what you’re aiming at, you’ll hit it every time. We’ll rethink what a disciple is so we can be sure to build one.

  • Module 3: How to Create a Crystal Clear Discipleship Pathway

Your discipleship entrance and pathway need to be crystal clear, unmissable in your church. We’ll talk about how to do that.

  • ​Module 4: How to Communicate about Discipleship to Your Congregation

How do you announce it? How do you invite people into discipleship? What’s your pitch to a person who has just become a Christian? We’ll talk about all those.

  • Module 5: How to Get Your first 3 Disciples

Practical, tactical strategies for finding people who will say “yes, I want to really follow Jesus... can you help?”

  • Module 6: Using Your Worship Service to Promote Discipleship

We’ll spend some time brainstorming and thinking through how you can promote discipleship in every part of your worship service.

  • Module 7: Plan to Multiply Disciples From the Beginning

Multiplication is not an option, it's a biblical essential. Paul says to Timothy in 2:2, "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others." In that verse, we can see 4 generations of disciples. Are you planning to multiply like this?

  • Module 8: How to Recruit a Discipleship Champion from Your Congregation

We discuss key action steps for finding someone who might be able to be a champion for the topic of discipleship within your church, so you don't have to bear the full weight of promotion, influence, and conversation on discipleship.

  • Module 9: How to Convince Your Church Board to Move Forward on Discipleship

Imagine that. :) How can you frame discipleship as an essential, and convince a group of people to move forward?

  • Module 10: How to Find a Discipleship Partner (Think Who, Not How)

We'll talk about a great book called "Who, Not How," and how it influences our recruitment of outside partners. We discuss how to find someone else to lift the load in this mission-critical area of discipleship.

Discipleship Launch Coaching

discipleship launch coaching package mockup

In this program, I'll work with you personally to make sure that you have everything up and running in 8 weeks of action-focused coaching!

  • Onboarding & Weekly Videos: Delivered right to your email inbox!

  • Weekly Checklists from Your Coach​: Stop wasting time and get clear action steps!

  • ​Unlimited Email Access: Stuck? Send your coach an email and get it solved!

  • Private Facebook Group: Network with other discipleship-focused pastors in your cohort & stay inspired!

  • Weekly Zoom Check-ins​: 2 Zoom calls per week, live and in person!

  • ​Weekly Win Reporting: Got your first 3 disciples? Scheduled a discipleship sermon series? Share and celebrate with your coach!

The primary difference between the first program and this one is that the first one is mostly self-directed... you learn, and install a discipleship system (or don't) at your own pace. It also lets you brainstorm your own actions.

In other words, it doesn't provide much accountability or personalized attention. If you're a self-starter, and like to design your own discipleship materials, great. If you're the guy who buys a program and then doesn't take action... not so much. :)

The biggest difference between the two: Clear Checklists, Personal attention, and Accountability.

What Can I Expect to Pay for Discipleship Coaching?

When you consider that discipleship is the main point of the Great Commission, coaching on how to do it becomes crucial and valuable.

At the beginning of this article I asked:

  • Would it be worth $100 if I could show you the exact steps to get 3 new disciples from your church or community?

  • Would it be worth $100 if I could teach you how to get your church board to go along with you on a discipleship strategy?

  • Would it be worth $100 if I could teach you how to use your worship service so that it promoted real, deep discipleship?

  • Would it be worth $200 if you could double the number of disciples at your church this year?

What would that investment be worth in 5 years? 10 years?

Discipleship coaching can be highly expensive. Many top programs are $100/hour or more. The courses I've described here are frequently sold for $247, and $997. Below, I'll give links to access these courses for less than half of that.

So, "cost" is the wrong way to consider discipleship coaching. Think of it in terms of "adding value." Here's the way I often put it:

New attenders don't pay the bills; but disciples do.

So which one are you going to invest in?

The Discipleship Coaching you want is focused on action, not theories.

This 2 programs are ruthlessly focused on practical action steps. Honestly, I hate theory that doesn't lean into practical actions. So I labored to make this course absolute pure 100% "do-ability" from day one. Every session ends with 2-3 action steps you can take that very day or week to move the needle on discipleship in your church.

discipleship coaching video thumbnail

By the end of the 8 weeks you will see the needle moving on discipleship in your church. You will know how to establish a clear plan and execute on that plan.

So click the button down below, sign up, and I will get an email to you immediately with everything you need to get started:

  • The 10 session coaching videos

  • Your workbook you can download & print out

  • A printing license so you can have your staff or church board go through it

  • A link to a 22-question Discipleship Assessment

  • The link to schedule your 30 minute Zoom call

Let's get you started on effective discipleship right now!

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