Hey there! Welcome to Day 8 of the 90 Day New Testament Bible Reading Challenge. Today, we’re covering Matthew chapters 19 through 21. These chapters include powerful teachings on the Kingdom of heaven, Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, and His bold challenges to the religious leaders. Let’s dive in and see what God has for us today.
Bible Links:
Read the ESV here. (This one has audio available.)
Video Teaching and Explanation:
5 Minute Teaching Video:
"Study The Bible For Yourself" video:
Content Overview of Matthew 16-18:
In Matthew 19, Jesus teaches about the Kingdom’s values. He talks about marriage and divorce, blesses little children, and has a life-changing conversation with a rich young man about the cost of following Him. Through it all, Jesus flips the world’s values on their head, showing that the Kingdom is completely backwards to what one would expect--it belongs to those with childlike faith and open hearts.
Chapter 20 continues this theme with the parable of the workers in the vineyard, where Jesus teaches that God’s grace doesn’t operate on human fairness. Later, He predicts His death and heals two blind men who call out to Him in faith.
In Chapter 21, Jesus enters Jerusalem as the Messiah, riding on a donkey while the crowds shout, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” This is a pivotal moment, fulfilling prophecy and declaring His identity. The chapter ends with Jesus cleansing the temple and confronting the religious leaders, challenging their hypocrisy and calling them to true worship.
Prayer and Meditation Questions for Matthew 19-21:
Matthew 19:16-30 – The Rich Young Ruler:
Jesus challenges the rich young man to give up his possessions and follow Him. Is there something in your life that might be holding you back from fully following Jesus?
Prayer Prompt: "Lord, help me to identify anything that keeps me from fully surrendering to You. Give me the courage to let go and follow You wholeheartedly."
Matthew 20:1-16 – The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard:
This parable shows God’s grace in giving generously to all. How can you celebrate God’s blessings in others’ lives without comparing them to your own?
Prayer Prompt: "Father, thank You for Your generosity in my life. Teach me to rejoice in the blessings of others and to trust in Your perfect provision for me."
Matthew 21:12-17 – Jesus Clears the Temple:
Jesus drove out those misusing the temple, calling it a house of prayer. Are there areas in your life where you need to refocus on God and make room for prayer?
Prayer Prompt: "Jesus, cleanse my heart of anything that distracts me from You. Help me to make my life a house of prayer where You are honored and worshiped."
Matthew 19-21 is a call to live differently, with Kingdom values shaping our priorities and actions. Take some time today to reflect on how these chapters challenge and encourage you. Tomorrow, we’ll explore Matthew chapters 22 through 24, where Jesus teaches about the greatest commandment and the end of the age. Keep going—you’re doing great!
~ Darrell
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