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How to Create a Table for Discipleship Resources

Writer's picture: Darrell Stetler IIDarrell Stetler II

Updated: May 1, 2024

All pastors would say that they believe discipleship is important... but how can we clearly communicate that it is important?

I'd suggest one of the easiest ways is to create a physical space where you can put discipleship resources that help lead brand new Christians through the first couple years of of their walk with Jesus. This puts discipleship front and center in your church culture in a very practical and tangible way.

Let's talk about how to create a discipleship resource table.

a picture of a table full of discipleship resources

What is a table for discipleship resources?

A discipleship resource table is a designated space within a church where various materials and tools supporting the discipleship process are made available to a congregation. This table serves as a physical representation of the church's commitment to disciple-making, highlighting its importance within the church culture.

It typically includes a range of resources such as reading plans, discipleship guides, spiritual growth books, and sign-up sheets for classes or groups. By providing these materials in a central, accessible location, the table encourages church members to engage actively with their spiritual growth and equips them to follow Jesus more closely.

Why Do you need a discipleship resource table?

Here are key reasons why it should be something that you create at your church.

#1: It's a visual reminder to your church family that discipleship is a priority.

When we value something, we create physical space for it. Think about it:

  • Offering = plates

  • Preaching = stage / pulpit

  • Music = band

  • Sound/Video = sound booth

  • Babies = nursery

But where's your discipleship space? I'd encourage you to have a space that says "We are serious about discipleship" in a clear and compelling way.

#2: It provides a clear place for people to respond to the call to discipleship.

When you give an invitation to discipleship, there are various ways people can respond. But what about sermons on discipleship where you're not giving an altar call? One possibility for response is a discipleship table.

#3: It provides clear next steps for discipleship.

It's great to preach on discipleship and say "Jesus says follow me," but do you also provide clear next steps on how to do that? A trip to a discipleship table can be a clear next step for preaching, so that you're not just telling folks they should, you're helping folks take immediate action.

Here's how that looks at my church:

  • Preaching on the Psalms or prayer? "Stop and pick up your copy of How to Pray the Psalms..."

  • Preaching on getting started with Jesus? "If you're new to this, stop and grab a NewStart Discipleship Journal..."

  • Preaching on membership and belonging? "Stop and get your copy of Moving from Me to We..."

#4: It helps people understand and visualize their walk with God.

Discipleship might seem simple to you, but it's complex and opaque for some people. Why not help people see there's somewhere that we're going?

At our church, we use this table cover, which both displays NewStart Discipleship curriculum and visualizes the opportunities for a new Christian to walk with God. (If you want a copy of this for your church, see below.)

Discipleship Resources You Can Share at your table:

#1: New Believer Journal & Reading Plan

I use this discipleship resource to give to brand new Christians when they first get saved. It's a Bible reading plan, daily videos, and journal space to help new believers develop "holy habits." You can download a sample copy here:

#2: The Obedience Challenge

Jesus said that a big part of discipleship was "teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:20) So what better resource to share with your new disciples than this one, which focuses on obeying the 48 commands of Jesus in the New Testament? Get a free sample copy here:

#3: The Baptism Challenge: Discipleship Resource for New Christians

Baptism is a crucial part of discipleship, as Jesus himself said. But how do we teach our new believers the meaning of baptism? That's why I add the Baptism Challenge to my discipleship resource table. It's a 21 day study with teaching videos and a notebook, that includes:

  • teaching on the meaning of baptism

  • instructions on how to write your baptism testimony

Download a free sample copy of the Baptism Challenge here:

#4: Moving from Me-->We (Discipleship resource on membership)

What does it mean for a new Christian to live in community? This course examines that question and answers with the "one another" commands of Scripture. To download a free sample copy, drop your name and email here:

#5: Defending Your Faith - Apologetics Course

This is a 9 lesson video course on evidence for the Christian faith. If you've got a new believe struggling with doubts, this is a great starter course to equip them. To download a free copy, checkout

What if I don't have any discipleship resources?

Don't have any discipleship resources yet? See this list of my best tools for discipleship that can help you know exactly how to get started.

Want your own discipleship Resource Table?

A printer friendly version is actually available to NewStart Discipleship Members in the member downloads area, in both red and blue (and 6ft and 8ft versions.) If you're interested, you can go here to subscribe.

Communicating About Your Discipleship Resources

Communicating effectively about your discipleship resource area is crucial for maximizing its impact within your congregation.

  • In sermons, pastors can weave mentions of the resource table into their messages.

  • Announcements, both at the end of services and during church events, should regularly highlight the availability and benefits of the resources found at the table.

  • Leveraging social media platforms can broaden the table’s reach, where posts can feature images of the resources

  • Testimonials from members who have benefited from them should be included in your strategy.

  • Church bulletins can include a dedicated section that details new additions to the table or upcoming discipleship opportunities.

I have a long post about promoting your discipleship process here. Check that out if you want more info.

NewStart Discipleship provides a variety of marketing tools, including social media graphics and projector graphics, ensuring that the message about your discipleship resource table is both professional and engaging, helping to draw congregants towards deeper engagement with the discipleship materials available.

Here are some sample images:

Conclusion: Resourcing Disciples Is About Action

Establishing a discipleship resource table isn’t just about setting up a table and stocking it with books. It’s about creating a space that embodies the value your church places on following Jesus and equipping others to do the same. It's a practical step that shows your commitment not just to preach discipleship but to provide the tools necessary for spiritual growth. Remember, "faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead" (James 2:17).

Let your discipleship table be a place where faith and action meet.

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1 Comment

lekor adams
lekor adams
Dec 27, 2024

Creating an organized table for discipleship resources is such a practical and effective way to streamline learning and engagement. It reminds me of how Google Analytics 4 organizes data in a way that makes insights more accessible and actionable. Both approaches emphasize clarity and usability, which are crucial for making meaningful progress, whether it’s in spiritual growth or understanding website performance. I’ve found that structured tools and resources, like the ones described here, make a significant difference in achieving goals efficiently and effectively. Great ideas for fostering better connections!


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