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Writer's pictureDarrell Stetler II

Good Devotional Resources for your Kindle

Updated: Aug 31, 2021

As someone who cares about discipleship for new Christians, it’s always great to find a company that has meaningful devotional resources. I recently came across the devotional below from Opening the Word. I’ve been aware of the devotionals from Herald and Banner for a while, but didn’t know they had updated them to include my favorite preferred method of reading – Amazon’s Kindle.

Maybe Kindle isn’t your favorite method of getting your devotional for men or devotional for women reading. No problem, you can click through to see it in Kindle or get a hard copy.

Kindle Devotionals Available – Updated Quarterly

The Kindle devotionals from Opening the Word are released quarterly, as part of the Way, Truth and Life Sunday School curriculum, which is based on the KJV). It’s truly the literature of my youth, since I remember getting their Sunday School material all the way back to the days when Maudine Wilcox was giving me 2 pink jellybeans and the paper each Sunday in Talladega, AL.

This is better, though. Now I can get daily devotional lessons on the same Kindle where I keep all my books. So when I wake up and realize, I haven’t read my devotional today, all I have to do is find my Kindle.

“For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall” Isaiah 25:1-5, KJV

As a youngster, and even through my teens, I loved spending time deer hunting with my dad, even though he had some very strict rules about being in the woods. Specifically, dad allowed no noise in the woods – no talking, foot noise in the leaves, etc. On the day in question, we were on top of a ridge in the Copper Basin of southeast Tennessee – a long, difficult walk from the car. It began to rain. Again, remember the rule – no talking! Dad stood up and motioned for me to follow. No, we were not headed toward the car; instead, we were heading in the opposite direction. No questions – just follow! After we had walked a while, dad stopped, moved behind me, turned my body to face off the trail, and gently pushed me off the trail. After we had walked a few yards, his hands on my shoulders told me first to squat, and then move forward. Only then did I see what he had known all the time. The big tree standing in front of us had a huge hollow hole at the bottom of the trunk! I crawled in, stood up, and he crawled in after me and sat at my feet. Dad knew where there was “a shelter from the storm.” My job was to obey in silence.

I wish I always followed God as implicitly as I did my dad that day. But I confess, in the storm, I often would rather talk – ask questions. But He, better than my dad, knows the place of shelter from the storm. But accessing that place may require me to get down on my hands and knees, and crawl! (by Gordon L. Snider)

“For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock” (Psa. 27:5).

This devotional is reprinted by permission from Herald and Banner Press.

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