I’m thrilled to welcome you to the NewStart Discipleship blog. If you’ve been a follower of DiscipleshipRemix.com, you’re in the right place, and we’re so glad you’ve made the journey with us.
DiscipleshipRemix Readers, Welcome to NewStart Discipleship Family!

For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Darrell Stetler II, and I’ve been a pastor for over 20 years, deeply passionate about discipleship, mentoring, and helping new believers grow in their faith. My mission is to provide resources that empower small church pastors to disciple new and young believers more effectively.
You might remember Paul Sheneman, the former owner of DiscipleshipRemix.com, for his insightful posts on youth ministry and spiritual formation. He highlighted the importance of mentoring and guiding young believers. Paul’s dedication to discipleship and influencing the spiritual formation of new and young believers is something I deeply resonate with and aspire to continue.
Here at NewStart Discipleship, our goal is to build on the foundation Paul laid and expand our reach to support not only youth ministry but all aspects of discipleship within the church. We’re committed to creating and sharing "discipleship strategy small churches can actually DO."
3 Resources That DiscipleshipRemix.com Readers will Appreciate
Here are 4 resources that readers from DiscipleshipRemix.com will appreciate:
Paul talked about involving teens... If you want to involve teens in ministry, a great way is planning a Trunk or Treat. So if you need Trunk or Treat ideas for churches, this is your post.
DiscipleshipRemix was about spiritual formation... so you'll love these Discipleship Tools for youth pastors and lead pastors
For new and young believers that need an effective Bible reading plan
For a solid discipleship ministry that disciples teens and others effectively, try this post on getting started with discipleship ministry.
To all the loyal readers of DiscipleshipRemix.com, thank you for your continued support and dedication to the cause of discipleship. We’re excited to embark on this new journey with you and to continue providing valuable content that will help you make a meaningful impact in your churches.
Stay tuned for more articles, resources, and community engagement opportunities. Together, we can make a difference and further the kingdom of God through
clear discipleship strategy
effective discipleship materials
discipleship training
Welcome to the NewStart Discipleship family! Let’s grow together.
Darrell Stetler II Owner, DiscipleshipRemix.com