Discipleship Bible Study - Day 4
Welcome to Day 4 of your new walk with God! Today's reading on our reading plan through the highlights of the Bible is:
Matthew 5-6, The Core of Jesus' Teaching
Read it in your Bible, OR:
Click HERE to read it in the NIV.
Click HERE to read or listen to today's reading in the ESV.
Click HERE to read in the KJV.
Praying the Psalms - Psalm 8
Prayer Coaching:
Praying the Psalms is a powerful way to think about your time of prayer. Don't just repeat the same requests and phrases every day. Instead, use the Scripture's prayer book (the Psalms) to inform and give you things to talk to God about.
Praying the Psalms, over time, will fill your mind and heart with things to talk with the Lord about. Plus, it's a great way to engage the Scripture on a deeper level than simply reading it!
All these praying the Psalms videos are available as discipleship tools for your church, if you'd like to use them. Just visit this link to purchase the Praying the Psalms videos, which are included in a NewStart Discipleship tools subscription.